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Mad Hatter Tea Party Un-Birthday: Crafts and Decorations

Here are some of the things I made for the party...

I made this wreath - it's an exact replica of the instructions found here. Everything was at the dollar store as promised in her blog:
Alice Wreath Instructions

If you would like this wreath, and don't have the time to buy the supplies and make it, the one I made can be found here: Alice In Wonderland Wreath

I made 5 of those giant card things out of poster board and construction paper, painted a frame red, and made some "things on a stick" as photo props for a fun place for pictures. Only a few people used it, but those that did had cute pictures! These are some of my favorites we took prior to the party.

Gift Bags: I made these from regular paper bags and cut our of the same scrapbooking paper I bought for other random craft projects for this party. I have lots of extra bags (mostly because I forgot to give out party bags to the first half of the guests that left)...and I'll be selling the remainder of the bags - as well as the fillers (less the candy) on Etsy.  There are 11 bags remaining. If you would like them for your party, they can be found here: Alice Tea Party Favor Bags

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